Holy Cross Church Daventry

. To be a Beacon of Love & Light to all .

Young families service


Crib Service


Come and help support the work of The Children’s Society.

Every one welcome! 

young family

Our monthly Young Families Service usually takes place on the first Sunday of each month beginning at 3:00 pm.

This is a special service planned for children of 0-10 & their carers. We'd love you to share the fun and stay for juice & doughnuts afterwards.

Call Rev Dawn - 01327 438032 or emai

Teddy Bear's Picnic

In June some of our Young Families met at Daneholme Park for a Teddy Bears Picnic. 

Rev. Dawn told us about Jesus feeding 5000 people with five loaves and two fish!

We made picnic baskets for our teddies and enjoyed our picnics together. 

Teddy bears picnic 1

Teddy Bears Picnic 2

  Teddy Bears Picnic 3