Holy Cross Church Daventry

. To be a Beacon of Love & Light to all .

Mothers Union Logo 
 Daventry Team Mothers’ Union

 Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work. It main aim is to support monogamous marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity.

 The Daventry Branch has members from across the Team Churches.

 Our meeting times have recently changed so that we do not have to venture out on dark evenings.  Now we get together in the Holy Cross Church Hall on the first Thursday of the month at 2pm. 

 We have a variety of speakers and discussions, hopefully in keeping with an annual theme.

 Each year we try to have a quiet time in one of the team churches led by one of the clergy.  An annual outing is also on the agenda.

 Daventry Team MU supports the giving of Mothering Sunday posies and the provision of small Easter eggs.

 New members and visitors are always welcome, for information please contact Barbara Bellis on 01327 703948


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